Western Digital My Book Studio Edition 500 GB USB 2.0/FireWire 400/FireWire 800/eSATA External Hard Drive WDH1Q5000N

Buy Cheap Western Digital My Book Studio Edition 500 GB USB 2.0/FireWire 400/FireWire 800/eSATA External Hard Drive WDH1Q5000N

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Speed is what you need when for video editing, big design projects, or managing photo shoots and thats what this drive delivers with FireWire 800 and eSATA connectivity. With our automatic backup capability your creative masterpieces will be backed up the minute you save them.

Technical Details

- Plug-and-play setup for easy installation
- Automatically backs up important data, synchronizes files to keep them current
- Compatible with USB 2.0, FireWire 400 and 800, and eSATA
- Formatted for Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later, can be reformatted for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista
- Turns itself on and off with your computer and Safe Shutdown prevents the drive from being powered down until all your data has been written
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Customer Buzz
 "Just say NO!!" 2009-08-06
By Scott Glass
Like some others who reviewed this product, I really wanted to like it. And for a couple months, I did. Excellent price (thanks once again Amazon), great case, decent specs, nice look with my iMac and a five year warranty. Who could expect more? Then trouble started. First the unit wouldn't mount frequently. You could never tell with the "ON/OFF" switch and cryptic lights when it was truly ON or OFF. Then it wouldn't mount at all, contributing to the dilemma of two logic board replacements before I was really able to determine that it just didn't work. Now I have to guess that "WD" stands for "Worthless Drive."

I also have a new WD My Passport for essential MacBook Pro backups. No erratic behavior yet, but I have to be highly suspicious...

Six months after buying the My Book, I've sent it back for replacement, but I surely won't use it for anything other than a back-up for my other dependable back-ups. Or perhaps a nice bookend. Just. Say. No.

Customer Buzz
 "Great for Mac, Pain with Windows" 2009-08-02
By Joel White (Phx, AZ)
This is GREAT if you're using it with a Mac machine.

In less than 5 minutes using my Macbook Pro, I was able to create a partition for my Mac and one for my Windows Desktop machine, format both drives, AND start the Time Machine backup (which took about an hour for the initial 98GB backup using FW800).

The biggest problem with Windows was installing the provided software. No disc included. No instructions included other than some numbered pictures with NO WORDS. Had to get instructions from online. Look VERY closely at your included picture instructions for the product code when installing the "WD Anywhere" software. I had to uninstall and re-install the software just so I could enter the product code. Couldn't find it the first time and thought I was limited to the 30 day trial. The Product Code is included, but hidden.

Otherwise, no complaints about this product whatsoever! I agree with other reviews: it is whisper quiet. Solid, heavy HDD well put together.

Ordered on a Sunday night (07/26/2009) and received on that very Friday (07/31/2009) using the free shipping option with Amazon. I got lucky it shipped from the same city I live in. So yours might take a little longer to arrive.

Only regret is maybe I should have gone with the 1TB version.

Customer Buzz
 "works flawlessly for my iMac" 2009-07-30
By Zapata's Ghost (Wheat Ridge, CO United States)
This drive is quiet, cool, and works flawlessly (and even visually matches!) w/ my new iMac. It turns on and off automatically with the computer - Time Machine automatically backs everything up - you would think Apple designed this themselves just without the price. Also comes w/ the needed cable for the new macs (FW 800) in addition to others you might need for older macs or the non-mac machines (POS's is it??). Hook it up - mac asks if you want it to work w/ Time Machine and forget it - that simple. Nice drive and decent price from Amazon. I just wish WD would price match other similar drives which are slightly cheaper.

Customer Buzz
 "Firewire 800 slowest thing on earth. WTF. No WD for me ever again." 2009-07-28
By J. Mason (USA)
I bought one of these today in a brick and morter store because I needed something right now....well thanks to me wasting my time with WD what needed to be done now isn't. First when I hooked it up it wouldn't mount and I had to jump through hoops to get that to finaly mount then after it mounted I tried to copy stuff over and it was slower then trying to upload something over a dialup connection to some 3rd world country and I am not even kidding. It said it would take 2 days to copy over something 20 gigs. It then hung on 9Kbs complete for 20min when I walked away to calm myself down thinking it was just warming up or something so I wouldn't smash it and be out 130 bucks or what ever I spent on it....oh wait I am out money because it cost me time. Why couldn't the store have just had Lacie in stock like I had asked for.....I am never buying anything WD again

Customer Buzz
 "Sleek" 2009-07-09
By Dragontamerz (Ca.)
Worked very well out of the box. They need to work on the back up software. I ended up using a different backup package. The drive works very well and quiet. Nice looking and compact. About the size of a hard backed, 400 page novel. This in my second back up drive by WD. They both are different but work very well.

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Buy Western Digital My Book Studio Edition 500 GB USB 2.0/FireWire 400/FireWire 800/eSATA External Hard Drive WDH1Q5000N Now

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